
Neighbourhood art

With our commitment to neighbourhood art, we promote talent and help create a vibrant and diverse neighbourhood culture.

Photo: Bernd Eidenmüller

For us, that isn’t just about funding projects by talented urban artists. We also supply the artists with their canvas – in the form of walls from buildings in our residential portfolio. We were assisted in this task by Die Dixons from Berlin Art Bang e.V. Die Dixons – Kimo, Jörni and Bolle – have made the urban art scene their home for over 25 years and have made a name for themselves far beyond Berlin. On behalf of Deutsche Wohnen, they selected the artists and supervised the work. They are also known for their temporary art project THE HAUS and the Berlin Mural Fest.

Our projects

Lichtenberg, Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Treptow-Köpenick


Gera1: Affection

A beautiful new mural now adorns a 209-square-metre facade in Berlin's Hellersdorf district.


DEMUT: Innocence

Berlin artist DEMUT has created a new work of art as part of his children's series.


Fio Silva: Colourful Animal Kingdom

This incredibly colourful mural by Fio Silva adorns a building in Berlin's Oberschönweide.

Mitte, Neukölln, Reinickendorf


Gita: GK-Street Art Gallery

Artist Gita Kurdpoor has created four new murals in just four weeks.


Gita: Mandala Explosion

The artist's fourth wall in Berlin features an outsize version of one of her mandala paintings.


Innerfields: Life Time

This design came to life as the result of a collaboration between Deutsche Wohnen und GESOBAU.


Stereoheat: Stralsunder Sea Captain

The smoking captain can be found in the Berlin district of Wedding at Stralsunder Straße 33.


Car park gets a glow-up

Twenty artists have turned our car park in Berlin's Gropiusstadt into a modern gallery.



El Bocho: Eyes of the big city

The mural by artist El Bocho decorates our property in Berlin's Friedrichshain district.


Huariu: Meditation in the Chaos

In Kreuzberg, Berlin, Huariu presents an incredible piece of street art.


TANK: A beautiful Mind

The lady with the bird is resplendent on the wall of a building in Berlin's Kreuzberg district.


Ash: Astronaut/Cosmonaut

Artist Victor Ash's mural can be found on the wall of a building on Oranienstraße, Kreuzberg.

Other areas of our commitment

Commitment to the neighbourhoods

As a strong property company with more than 200,000 customers, we take responsibility.
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Drei junge Erwachsene sitzen auf einer Tischtennisplatte und sprechen lächelnd miteinander.

Our Neighbourhoods

We create vibrant and liveable neighbourhoods for our customers – places to feel good in. That’s why we’re making extensive and sustainable investments in maintaining and modernising our portfolio.
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