Neighbourhood art
With our commitment to neighbourhood art, we promote talent and help create a vibrant and diverse neighbourhood culture.
Photo: Bernd Eidenmüller
With our commitment to neighbourhood art, we promote talent and help create a vibrant and diverse neighbourhood culture.
Photo: Bernd Eidenmüller
For us, that isn’t just about funding projects by talented urban artists. We also supply the artists with their canvas – in the form of walls from buildings in our residential portfolio. We were assisted in this task by Die Dixons from Berlin Art Bang e.V. Die Dixons – Kimo, Jörni and Bolle – have made the urban art scene their home for over 25 years and have made a name for themselves far beyond Berlin. On behalf of Deutsche Wohnen, they selected the artists and supervised the work. They are also known for their temporary art project THE HAUS and the Berlin Mural Fest.