Nahaufnahme einer Photovoltaikanlage auf einem Dach. Die Sonne reflektiert auf der Solaranlage.

Our principle of responsibility

Deutsche Wohnen and Vonovia joined forces since 2023 – using concentrated resources to further advance the sustainability goals for the environment, its employees and society at Group level.

Photo: Frank Grätz

We believe that sustainable business activities will secure the future viability of the Deutsche Wohnen Group and also benefit our stakeholders. Our strategic approach is aligned with Vonovia’s overarching sustainability strategy and ESG targets and aims to combine cost-effectiveness with quality of living and energy efficiency. We invest heavily in our residential holdings, actively renovate and repair them. We always pay attention to energy-related conditions and the use of environmentally friendly and durable materials.

Find out more about the Group-wide sustainability strategy here.

Answers to key questions

Keeping tomorrow in view – this is what all of our sustainable actions today are about. Our responsibility to the future is the guide for our decisions in the here and now with regard to our employees, our tenants, our properties and climate protection. For us, sustainability means taking the manifold needs of all generations in society into account. We want to enable people to live and flourish together in their homes by making people’s satisfaction and an intact environment our top priority. This is what we are committed to.

Deutsche Wohnen has been reporting extensively on its sustainability activities every year since 2012. For December 2021, some of these were consolidated for the first time by Vonovia at Group level as part of the Group’s non-financial statement. Since January 2023, comprehensive integrated sustainability reporting took place for the first time as part of the published Sustainability Report 2022. This is based on an updated materiality matrix for the entire Vonovia Group and is in line with the globally recognised guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI standards). Since the 2023 financial year, all ESG key figures for Deutsche Wohnen have been consolidated at Group level as part of the new ESG Factbook 2023 and all key ESG strategies and measures have been published on the Vonovia corporate website.

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