Management Board and Supervisory Board

The Management Board and Supervisory Board are Deutsche Wohnen’s management committees. The Management Board develops the company’s strategic direction and coordinates this with the Supervisory Board. The Management Board members manage the implementation of the agreed strategy.

Management Board

The Management Board is responsible for managing the company and its operations. In doing so, it is bound to the company interest with the aim of sustainable value creation. The Management Board develops the company’s strategic direction, coordinates this with the Supervisory Board and ensures its implementation. It is also responsible for appropriate risk management and controlling in the company and regular, timely and comprehensive reporting to the Supervisory Board.

Management Board members

Vorstand Lars Urbansky in dunkelblauen Anzug mit blauer Krawatte und weißen Hemd vor einem weißen Wand.

Lars Urbansky

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Chief Executive Officer Lars Urbansky is responsible for Property Management, Facility Management, Customer Communication and Strategy, Human Resources, Investment Management, Integration and Care.

Photo: Deutsche Wohnen / Andreas Pohlmann

Vorstand Eva Weiß mit Blazer und Hemd

Eva Weiß

Chief Development Officer (CDO)

Chief Development Officer Eva Weiß is responsible for New Construction and Portfolio Investments, Technical Infrastructure, IT, Legal and Compliance, Sustainability and Public Affairs.

Photo: Deutsche Wohnen / Andreas Pohlmann

Vorstand Olaf Weber mit Anzug und hellblauen Krawatte und weißen Hemd.

Olaf Weber

Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

As the Chief Financial Officer, Olaf Weber is responsible for Finance, Accounting, Controlling, Investor Relations and Tax.

Photo: Vonovia / Simon Bierwald

Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board advises and monitors the Management Board in the management of the company. Its work is done both in plenary sessions and committee meetings. For more information, please see the corporate governance report. The Supervisory Board has six members.

Supervisory Board members

Name, Residence
ProfessionMembership of Supervisory Board committees
Dr. Fabian Heß
General Counsel of Vonovia SEExecutive and Nomination C. (chairman)
Finance C.
Dr. Florian Stetter
(Deputy Chairman)
Sofia, Bulgaria
CEO of RockHedge Asset Management AG, KrefeldExecutive and Nomination C.
Audit C.
Peter Hohlbein
Managing Partner of Hohlbein & Cie. Consulting, BerlinFinance C.
Audit C.
Christoph Schauerte
General Counsel of Vonovia SE, EssenExecutive and Nomination C.
Finance C. (chairman)
Simone Trapp
Senior Specialist Structured Finance BMW AG, MunichExecutive and Nomination C.
Audit C. (chairwoman)
Catrin Corners
Head of Sustainability/Strategy, Vonovia SE, BochumAudit C.
Finance C.


More about us

Company profile

Whether in Spandau, Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Pankow or Marzahn-Hellersdorf – as one of the largest landlords in Berlin, you will find our residential and commercial units in all twelve districts.
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Company history

Deutsche Wohnen has a long history. The famous Berlin Modernist estates bear witness today to the creativity of its predecessors.
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