
Responsible for the contents of this website

Deutsche Wohnen SE
Mecklenburgische Straße 57
14197 Berlin

Phone +49 30 897 86-0*

* In order to provide our tenants with the best and fastest customer service, we ask you to use the contact options listed on our website.

Voting rights notifications pursuant to § 33 ff. Wertpapierhandelsgesetz (Securities Trading Act) shall be sent to

Deutsche Wohnen SE is registered in the commercial register of the Berlin-Charlottenburg Local Court under the number HRB 190322 B. The VAT identification number is DE200816128.

Management Board:
Lars Urbansky (CEO)
Eva Weiß
Olaf Weber

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
Dr. Fabian Heß

Please note: under the German Dispute Resolution for Consumer Disputes Act, Deutsche Wohnen SE and its subsidiaries are not required to participate in consumer dispute resolution procedures and do not do so.

Our terms of use you can find here.

Notes on privacy policy for the following websites:

Editorial note
To make it easier to read, this website does not use gender-specific descriptions. The descriptions always apply to people of all genders.

Photo credits
The photos on our websites come from the following photographers and agencies: Adobe Stock, Adrienne Kömmler-Bachmann, Andreas Pohlmann, Anja Steinmann, Catharina Tews (gretchen GmbH), 3DWAY architectural graphics, Felix Eisenmeier, Ferdinand Kühne, Fotolia, funky-data, Georgios Anastasiades (PHOTOPOLIS), GETTY Images, GRAND VISIONS, Isaria Projektentwicklungs GmbH, iStock, Ken Schluchtmann, Marc Dannenbaum, Miljan Živković, Million Motions, Olaf Tausch, Oliver Lang, Per Jacob Blut, Peter Zeidler (Z-Entertainment), PFLEGEN & WOHNEN HAMBURG, Philipp Kirschner, Philip Hiscocks, Quarterback Immobilien AG, Sebastian Wallroth, Shutterstock, Thomas Schlorke, Tommy Lösch (Fotostudio Black BOX), Falk Weiß, NÖFER ARCHITEKTEN

© Copyright for the pictures used: Deutsche Wohnen SE or authorized photographers. Re-use of the pictures is only allowed with the express permission of the respective owner.